In 2007 Brad Pilon released the first comprehensive book about the weight loss and health enhancing benefits of Intermittent Fasting.
Since then, the Eat Stop Eat method has helped hundreds of thousands of people lose weight and deal with obesity, insulin resistance, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and many other chronic and life-altering diseases… WITHOUT having to be forced to exercise or drastically change their diet.
What’s more, it’s even helped people deal with their anxiety, not just the horrible thought of losing a parent, thinking that retirement will never happen, or worrying about the environment, but also health-anxiety, like the scary feeling of ending up alone, and not being able to properly take care of yourself.
This is because Eat Stop Eat can actually decrease anxiety-like behaviors by a mechanism tied to a specific enzyme’s activity throughout the brain.
Looking for a way to fight against premature aging, improve quality of life, stop worrying about health and regain self-esteem? Then this is easily the method for you.
Brad specialized in this breakthrough ‘Eat Stop Eat’ method during his postgraduate studies. And during his time as head of Research & Development for two of the biggest weight loss supplement companies in the world, he continued to absorb every new research paper dealing with this breakthrough method.
Importantly, he discovered the benefits of this simple strategy go way beyond weight loss…
And as you’ll discover in the pages of Eat Stop Eat, Brad explains the research* behind some of the surprising effects of the ‘Eat Stop Eat’ method:
- How, by releasing a wave of anti-inflammatory agents, Eat Stop Eat allows people to get active again by reducing the progressive aches and pains that are preventing them from being as active as they once were.
- Decreased digestion-induced bloating, reduced acid reflux, and increased nutrient absorption so that the body gets more out of every meal, by balancing the hormones that control digestion and hunger.
- Reduced risk of blood sugar issues, by helping to stabilize insulin and cortisol levels resulting in better blood sugar control.
- Decreased risk of cognitive decline in dementia by addressing neuroinflammation and brain plaques.
- Improved body composition and weight loss by boosting the hormones that control fat burning and hunger.
- Improved aging through rapid cleansing & renewal of the body at a cellular Level.
All this and more is clearly and concisely referenced by Brad in the book.
Now in its 5th edition on paperback, the book has been translated into multiple languages and is backed by over 317 peer reviewed scientific research studies.
Brad’s Eat Stop Eat uses no-nonsense language. It explains the science of exactly WHY Intermittent Fasting — when done right — delivers all these powerful and lasting benefits…
If you’ve ever felt like you woke up one day and youthful energy just suddenly escaped you, then Eat Stop Eat is the method to try. Now widely considered to be the modern groundbreaking book on Intermittent Fasting, it expounds on periodically taking a break from eating for a specific amount of time as a better way to lose weight and reclaim your health.
So if you want to get back to feeling lean, energetic, and in control of your future health, then before trying ‘5:2’ or ‘16:8’ or any other trendy type of fasting, make sure to read this book to get the very best breakthrough results possible from intermittent fasting.
Also, if sticking to a diet has been a problem, or if dieting has simply been ineffective in the past, then the Eat Stop Eat method is the solution.
Please don’t miss out — Simply try this method for a week, and the benefits will start to become noticeable almost instantly.
Even though this unique method of Intermittent Fasting is finally getting the attention it deserves from the media and from nutrition professionals, Eat Stop Eat is still by far the best reference book for anyone who wants to understand the role of fasting for both weight loss and healthy aging.
Listen: when Brad started his research into the unique method of eating over 18 years ago, he was actually 100% opposed to the idea of fasting. He thought he had to eat every 2-3 hours to reach his weight loss goals. But he had to eat his words when the research became clear.
- Human metabolism will absolutely not be damaged by the ‘Eat Stop Eat’ method of fasting, in fact the research shows that fat burning metabolism actually increases
- Even the more exaggerated methods of the ‘Eat Stop Eat’ method will not reduce lean muscle mass
- You will not feel a decrease in energy while doing the ‘Eat Stop Eat’ method, in fact it has been shown to increase alertness and concentration
Eat Stop Eat has now sold over 250,000 copies worldwide, and is now in its 5th edition on paperback. It has been translated into multiple languages and is backed by over 317 peer reviewed scientific research studies.
Please don’t miss out — Simply try his methods for a week, and the benefits will start to become noticeable almost instantly.
It has been proven time and time again to tap into the body’s natural reserves, helping people all over the world improve their lives and stop worrying and stressing over their health…
*Over 317 Research Papers Supporting the Eat Stop Eat Method